Polite Coronavirus Notice

Polite Coronavirus Notice

We are very much aware of the growing concerns around coronavirus (Covid-19) and the important role we play in maintaining the health and wellbeing of our staff, guests and members.


Whilst the Government has provided public information and guidelines that we are closely following, i.e. reminding guests that regular, thorough handwashing with soap and water throughout your visit is imperative; we wanted to let you know of the extra steps we are taking and to ask you for your help.

Equipment and Teams

Our housekeeping staff continue to be vigilant and are focused on cleaning all items that are commonly touched, i.e. entrance and exit doors and door handles, toilet flushes, handrails etc.

We politely ask that you help us and your fellow guests by using cleaning products that we have made available to wipe down all equipment after you have used the gym equipment

We are continuing to communicate with our employees on the guidance for prevention. That guidance remains:

• Wash hands upon arrival to work and use an antibacterial hand sanitiser gel.
• Wash/sanitise hands regularly throughout the day especially after potential contact points.
• Regularly sanitise work stations/tools
• Sneeze or cough into tissue.
• Bin tissues immediately after use. Wash hands afterwards.
• Follow government advice if you have relevant symptoms.
• Wash uniform at over 60 degrees

In summary we would ask:

• Please do not come to the facility if you are unwell
• Keep your hands clean, wash regularly and thoroughly, for at least 20 seconds with soap and water
• Always carry tissues with you and use them to catch all coughs and sneezes and then bin the tissue – then wash your hands with soap and water, or use a sanitiser
• Please use the cleaning sprays to wipe down machines and equipment after use
• Shower thoroughly before entering the spa

We ask anyone who is concerned that they may have encountered the virus to follow the Government advice, and self-isolate in the first instance.

If you have a continuous cough, high temperature or any other symptoms associated with Coronavirus or have been advised to self quarantine please contact our reservations team on
0115 9461041 or email sales@clifforddayspa.co.uk

The latest Government advice is available here: www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-response

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